Little Red Spirit / Mis Ko Mune Dous / Miko Manitosis
Little Red Spirit Aboriginal Head Start is a community-based early childhood education program for Indigenous children between the ages of 3 and 6. It is located at 185 Young Street in the Broadways Neighbourhood Centre.
It is a comprehensive program designed to meet the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the child.
Little Red Spirit’s objectives are:
- To facilitate the social, educational, cultural, mental, physical, and spiritual development of each child and their family in the program
- Improve the skills of the children involved in preparation for school
- Establish parental involvement in the education of their children
- Foster an understanding of Aboriginal culture, language and spirituality
- Access a community network of resources that will contribute to the development of the child
The components of Little Red Spirit Aboriginal Head Start are as follows:
- Culture & Language
- Social Support
- Health Promotion
- Nutrition
- Education
- Parental Involvement
Program runs with the regular school year (September to June).
Monday to Thursday:
AM (9:00-11:30): Ojibway
PM (1:00-3:30): Cree
*Transportation may be available*
- Families with child(ren) of Aboriginal descent between the ages of 3-6 years
*Children must be potty trained* - Living in the West Broadway Community
- Main St to Arlington/ Notre Dame to the Assiniboine River
- Willing to participate in the program with your children
Please phone to make an appointment to register: 204-783-8116
Telephone: 204-783-8116
Fax: 204-774-1621
Little Red Spirit Dufferin / Mis Ko Mune Dous/ Miko Manitosis
Little Red Spirit Dufferin is committed to fostering the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth of young Indigenous children living in the Centennial community. We recognize and support the idea that extended families have an essential role to play in teaching and caring for our children. In all aspects of our operation we are informed by and strive to realize traditional customs, beliefs, practices and teachings of our ancestors, guided always by the wisdom of years and experience enjoyed by our Traditional Elders.
Little Red Spirit Dufferin is a community based Early Intervention Program that supports the development of families with Indigenous children between the ages of 4 to 6 years* of age that reside in the Centennial community and are willing to participate in the program.
*Due to our close working relationship with Dufferin School, each September we try to enroll as many children as possible who are already enrolled in the School’s Nursery or Kindergarten programs, and are therefore ages 4 and up.
There are NO fees charged.
*Children must be potty trained*
Parental involvement is EXTREMELY important. Parents of children enrolled in the program are welcome to participate in classroom activities whenever they are able.
Little Red Spirit Dufferin teaches an Ojibway language program.
Hours of Operation:
Morning Program (10 spaces) -Monday to Thursday -9 am – 11:30 am
Afternoon Program (10 spaces) -Monday to Thursday -1 pm – 3:30 pm
Dufferin School
Room 4 -545 Alexander Avenue
Telephone: 204-770-3382
Fax: 204-774-6109