Truth & Reconciliation Week 2021 Events
We recognize this is a challenging time and encourage anyone who is struggling to please reach out to someone you trust for support. The National Association of Friendship Centres has created a great list of resources that are also available to support you and can be viewed below or at Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line: [...]
Wrapping Around & Stepping Up
As an essential service, part of Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata’s COVID-19 response was the repurposing of our King Street location into a Rapid Testing Site (RTS) that provides the necessary community support services that are needed during this pandemic. Wrap-around supports include isolation planning, food support, traditional medicine, mental health supports and more. Jackie [...]
Vaccinating the North End
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata has been leading the Urban Indigenous COVID vaccination centre at 363 McGregor since the end of April 2021. The site administers over 360 doses daily and provides additional supports including food, traditional medicine, mental health supports, advocacy, post-appointment follow-ups, assistance with second dose bookings and transportation when possible. Jackie Anderson, [...]
Circle of Sharing and Caring – Food Kit Program
At Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata, our vision is to have a safe, healthy, happy and interdependent community. The work we’ve done, and continue to do, will always have this vision in mind. Having celebrated 35 years in operation in 2019, we’ve seen, dealt with and accomplished a lot over the years; but we had [...]
Youth Assembly
Save the date for the Virtual Youth Assembly, this June 26th, 12pm to 4pm! Register here at Event Brite Contact Brittany for more information; phone: 204-925-0300 or email:
Annual General Meeting
JUNE 30 @ 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Communications Survey
Please take this short survey to help us plan for the future of communications at the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre. As a Chi-Miigwech, each participant will be entered into a draw on February 25, 2021. [woobox offer="24aini" trigger="enter" expire="1]
Plan seeks to breathe new life into Thunderbird House site
Plan seeks to breathe new life into Thunderbird House site By: Niigaan Sinclair | Posted: 7:00 PM CST Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020 A conglomerate led by the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre and End Homelessness Winnipeg has quietly planned a revamp of the Thunderbird House site, giving hope to one of the city’s most struggling neighbourhoods. Full Article
Ma Mawi Reflections Issue 5
MaMawi-Reflections Issue #5 - May 26-2020