All P.A.S.S workshops will include cultural aspects. The P.A.S.S workshops are scheduled to start soon. Please take a moment to review the current workshops offered by P.A.S.S:

Healthy Relationships
Together, we look at what love and a healthy relationship is supposed to look and feel like. We discuss how to make healthy relationship decisions including when to have sex, and what love is and isn’t.

Dating Violence
We look at the cycle of abuse, and the effect on its victims. We discuss the different types of abuse and how to recognize them. We explore ways of helping victims and resources for helping abusers.

Birth Control and Contraceptive Options
We review all types of birth control and contraceptive methods and how to choose what’s right for you. Other topics for discussion will include hints on how to talk with and support your partner in this decision, the importance of pap smears and physicals, clinics and community support and we also give the participants a chance to practice using the contraceptive devices with the plastic uterus and penis. Great focus is placed on youth making their own informed decision.

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
This workshop provides participants with information on STD/STIs including what they are, symptoms, long term and short term effects, cures (if possible) and prevention.

With HIV and AIDS on the rise in young people in Canada, this workshop is entirely focused on HIV and AIDS. Together we will discuss what it is, how to prevent it, how it’s spread and living with HIV/AIDS. This workshop includes games.

FASD, FAE and Shaken Baby Syndrome
In this workshop, we stress the importance of healthy pregnancies and the effect of consuming alcohol and drugs while pregnant. We discuss ways of dealing with anger, stress and frustration and show a video on shaken baby syndrome.

Am I Parent Material?
We talk about life when you have a baby and the emotional and physical changes and stresses added to your life. We discuss financial expenses of a baby, pregnancy options, as well as the reality of raising a baby as a young person.

Sexual Diversity and Tolerance
This workshop deals with a person’s sexuality in general, and homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, transgender, etc. We try to facilitate conversation around homophobia and acceptance of another person’s sexuality and one’s own sexuality.

Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
Together we look at who is vulnerable to be exploited how to recognize someone trying to exploit you and ways to protect yourself. We will explore different avenues of exploitation, and hear the stories of others who have been exploited.

Self Esteem
This workshop will focus on feeling good about oneself. Filled with self discovery, this workshop encourages participants to focus on their own strengths and gifts and encourages healthy behaviour.

Talking To Your Kids About Sex and Sexuality (for Parents and Caregivers)
This workshop is designed for parents and caregivers who want to talk to their youth about sex and sexuality. Together, we will learn effective communication tools, accurate information, tips and support on how and when to talk to your kids about sex and their sexuality. Parents will receive take home information for their household and will be given the opportunity to practice using contraceptives on a plastic uterus and penis.

Youth will learn what bullying is and the different types, tips on what to do if you’re bullied and how you can help someone who is being bullied. This workshop includes games.

Self Care and Healthy Eating
We review the Canadian Food Guide and discuss the importance of exercise and healthy eating habits. We briefly touch base on unhealthy eating disorders, as well as healthy behaviours for the body, mind and soul.